We are many! 4000 unique visitors!
- Written by Ville Keksijä Keränen
- Published in Archive, English
- Permalink
I am humbled. For two reasons and they are related. Let me explain a bit.
Today I was having a lunch with Anu from Zestmark coaching company. She’s a friend of mine since 2000 when we did the Kainuu Young Leaders program together. The program where I heard and learned about Team Academy, too, and met great people and … and… and… She’s also been my mentor during my studies at TA along with Janne Roiha (who’s Monkey now!) as they started at TA a year before me. Nowadays Zestmark concentrates on coaching young people and Anu is the CEO of that business. Anyways, we talked about many things including new cars, Monkey Business, Zest coaching, Personal Mastery (according to Senge the question are: What is important for me now and what is happening now?) etc. Anyways, it made me very happy to hear that our blog, this one you’re reading, had helped her to transform her business into something she enjoys more to work at. Thank you Anu for this compliment, and let’s co-create some kick-ass coaching for the youth of Finland and world!
Sidenote! Me and Gorilla at the 16th anniversary of the TA. BTW, mark your calendars for the 17th anniversary to be at the 16th of Jan 2010. It’s going to be big! Photo courtesy of Eija Laitinen.
Well the other thing. Some of you may remember my post from early December 2008. It was about the statistics of our website. By then, after 8 months the site had been open, we had had a little over 2000 unique visitors. Then some weeks ago Henna reminded me that you promised to check the statistics as some of you had asked her about that. So today after the lunch with Anu my former coach LeTim came by our office for a coffee (btw. Welcome others, too!). He was telling us about his blogs (11!) and the amount of visitors he gets even without updating them. So I thought I should check our statistics, too, and that is what made me very happy. It’s over 4000 unique visitors to our site this year! and over 900 in August! Now that made me feel humble, that you are so many out there who come and see our site and blog, and we are also many in here. What could we do together? Let’s make the world a bit more fun, right?
So thank you all very much for the support. We will keep building the Monkey Business and making the world more yellow and fun! Looking forward to make more mistakes with you. Peace and love, Ville.
Ps. For the first who guesses or knows who is behind the mask and drops the right answer as a comment will receive our new T-shirt model to be out soon. Yah!