Book recommendation from Iceland

Inspired by the cool and tough Iceland I am bringing you a fresh book recommendation. This time it is from my friend, Shinsaku who’s a scholar in environmental studies and eager nature-man, just like the monkeys. Shinsaku says:

Have you read Thomas Homer-Dixon’s ”Upside of Down”? it’s a very good book. Not a novel. I’m sure you heard of Resilience or Panarchy and things like that. They are and are going to be very important new paradigms and everyone on earth should know it. anyhow this book explains and put theory in context well. well-written as well.

I first of heard of the word resilience in the SoL European Sustainability Groups event in Scotland at Meadowhead. There was a man called Nick Wielding who nowadays works for CarnegieUK Trust. They’ve published an interesting looking report called A Manifesto for Rural Communities – Inspiring Community Innovation. Be sure to check that our as well.

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