Monkey Calendar Day 5.

We forget to open 5th day. I do it now.
Here is story about the Team Mastery programs.
First international Team Mastery program started at December of 2006. Who were those people and what kind of challenges they had? Here are Tatu´s thoughts about his Team Mastery friends:

The first musketeers!
Charles: One of the last Dinosaurs of Belgium. Father of ten children. A former business man who about 10 years ago decided to change his life. “ Is it bad, is it good? I don´t know.”

Claude: Man with the awareness and precence. Great fan of Gandhi. Laugh which can not be forgotten.

Pascal: Great inventor of rabbit leadership. Man who has been changing Heineken breweries into a brain industrial time with Team Academy methods.

Etienne: Brave Ambassador. Father of Team Factory in Paris

Nieves: When chaos needs to turned into action with direction call this little power lady from Bask country. Mother of Team Academy Euskadi.

Xavi: “Breath in, breath out –by breathing you know you are alive”. Visioner and klownlike. Father of Team Academy Euskadi.

Gill: Wise observer with a little yellow notebook. The one to tell the right words when others speak too mutch. One of fathers Team Academy Angers

Laurent: Il Magnificio, impressive improviser, one of fathers Team Academy Angers

Pauline: Strong but emphatic coach from Neatherlands. Mother of Team Academy Haarlem.

Herve: Fearless surfer boy, one of fathers Team Academy Angers.

Robert: Doctor without borders

And there were also Sari Veripää, Sanna Tossavainen and Ville Keränen from Finland.

Second Team Mastery started at May of 2008. Here is cool notebook about Team Mastery 2 process made by Monkey Ville.

In February 2010 starts the Team Mastery 3 program. Who are those musketeers who are going to continue the story of the Team Masterys?

Here is story of Liher Pillado from Montragon University: ”On my mission to create a radically better world, I want to inspire individuals and encourage collectives to lead the change they want to see. I strongly believe that TM3 could empower me on achieving this goal.”

And here is story of Theresia Warwizt from Innovation Management of Linde Group, Germany: ”As an Organisation Development Manager, setting free potential for learning and creating ideal work environments in organisations is my passion. The germ for participating in Team Mastery 3 was planted when I attended Team Mastery Arena in autumn this year, and became fascinated by the way learning happens in Team Academy. In fact I believe that Team Academy tools enable a way of working that represents the future, and I wish to be a promoter of this new way, applying everything we learn – in particular teampreneurship – in the company I work for, and in all areas where we find nurturing soil, and where we as Team 3 can have a positive impact in this world. I can’t wait for the kick-off in February!”

Do you wanna be an adventurer and take part of this learning journey? Yes, you can!

Take contact to Johanna ( or Ville (

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Olen keltapöksyinen innostuja, utelias elämään. Rakastan uusia alkuja ja työskentelyä erilaisten ihmisten kanssa. Parasta on, kun housun puntit vähän tutisee. Silloin tietää olevansa uuden oppimisen kynnyksellä. Onneksi sisäistän asiat nopeasti ja olen mukana vallan mainioissa tiimeissä. Perustin ensimmäisen yritykseni 4H:ssa, olin alakoulussa. Kasvatin purjoa julkisiin suurtalouskeittiöihin. Tämän jälkeen olen ollut perustamassa viittä yritystä. Niistä kaksi on vielä voimissaan. Rakas Monkey Business ja voimanaisten Siliä Oy. Unelmani on tehdä merkittäviä asioita. Merkittäviä minulle, ympäristölle, ihmisille, kotiseudulleni. Merkitys syntyy ihmisten kohtaamisista, itsensä ylittämisestä, oman jutun löytämisestä, oman käden jäljen jättämisestä. Haluan kasvaa yrittäjästä johtajaksi, omassa yrityksessäni. Mukavaa, että kävit kurkkaamassa profiiliani. Tutki ihmeessä tarkemmin ja soita minulle. Keksitään jotain yhdessä! Lämpimin terveisin, Johanna / 040 167 9885


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Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

Monkey Business is a registered trademark of Monkey and Banana osk. Monkeys reserve the right to change themselves and the world.