A Monkey in Turku since 14th of May 2011

What can I say? As a graduate from Team Academy, I have the courage to act first and think later. As you all can see, I live in Turku now and haven’t regret it one bit. (At least for now) 

To be honest, I had planned moving to Turku for a year before I finally did it. Luckily I did not have to move alone, my long-term boyfriend Pekka joined me and has been so supportive during these first months. I am also privileged to have some amazing friends here, and they have helped me to feel like home here.

This has been an overwhelmingly busy spring – I was travelling around the world with my team company Co-op unelMania form 23rd of January to 28th of March. After the trip I managed to finalize my studies and final thesis – all this in one month. In May it was time to move to Turku, set up my own company and join the yellow world of the Monkey Business. What will I be doing here in Turku as a Monkey? Well, stay tuned, I’ll keep you posted.. 😉

Now that I look back what have happened in April, May and early June – I still can’t really believe I managed to do all this. Yet here I am- fresh, new monkey-entrepreneur in new city, Turku, with graduation papers in my hand. Like my sister said it; “Now you are done with the University, it is time to head towards new challenges.” She had also cut a picture of a brave little mouse and taped it to the congratulation card – Mickey Mouse with a text; “See anything you do as an adventure” It feel like it is a good guideline for the near future with the Monkeys!

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More Action. More Chaos. More Mistakes. More Learning.

© 2008-2015 Monkey and Banana Osk. c/o Crazy Town, Lutakonaukio 7. 40100 Jyväskylä. Y-tunnus: 1864486-7.

Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

Monkey Business is a registered trademark of Monkey and Banana osk. Monkeys reserve the right to change themselves and the world.