I love you Alex Castellarnau!

Never met you, never heard about you. Instantly fell in love after receiving these principles freely translated by @Hennaism. Alex you ROCK! Original video here in spanish. These principles make me fly, cry and almost die. Really encouraging me about Monkeys being on the right track. THANKS!

Alex: After more than 5 years of experience in IDEO, we identified six principles to build environments that create innovation

1. ”It’s about how we learn, not about how much we gain financially.” Not to do but to learn. The return should be learning, not economic performance.

2. Do not define a job desccription 100 % clearly. Employees come to explore and define what their job is.
3. Helping employees to explore fully their passions at work.
4. Each employee is its own brand. There are as many brands as there are people in organizations.
5. Our leaders must reflect, not direct, they have to be a mirror, no arrow. The CEO goes from executive to be explored and to be evangelist.
6. We have no destination but a good sense of direction.  We have some knowledge and we have good tools for the road.
This empowering and explosive flying kiss goes to Alex and Henna, well to everybody who accepts to take it:
Tantourist – playful, everyellow and redcheeked acticboy really feeling alive. YEH!!!

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Participating individuals in various development processies since 2005 in Finland, Sweden, Spain, Island and Oman in focus to create an organization from future. Yellow playful and sincere. My goal is to make people think and act differently. A total nongeek. Specialties: Participatory Leading Methods, focused on early stages of change processies, culture change, interaction cultures and systems thinking / pragmatism. Yellow clothing! Entrepreneurship, innovation, personal mastery, climbing, learning. Voicing - speaking from heart, raising stupid questions. Suomeksi: Simppeliyskonsultti jonka ydintä on saada ihmiset tekemään kokeiluja jotta syntyy uutta ja asioiden tila muuttuu. #kokeilukulttuuri #kokeilut #oppiminen TEKIJÄ ON SANKARI - AINOA EPÄONNISTUMINEN ON ETTEI OPI, MITÄÄN!

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