Konttikiertokoulu – Rural Design & Entrepreneurship School

Monkey Busineksestä on moneksi. Olemme kokeilleet keltaista kahvilaa tapahtumaympäristössä, hikistä iltapäivää Keski-Suomen luovimmassa toimistossa ja monia valmennuksia eri ympäristöissä. Olen haaveillut myös Fab Labista. Avek antoi meille pienen siemenrahan konttikiertokoulun konseptoimiseen. Idea on laittaa tiimioppimisen, yrittäjyyden ja muotoiluajattelun prosessit Fab Lab henkiseen merikonttiin.

Lisätietoja Ville Keräseltä numerosta +358 40 731 2084

Here’s the text in English:

Today, we have two major challenges in the world, how to think big and how to think differently. There are many wicked challenges that we need to solve in order to survive and do well. But we believe that thinking big and different will be the key.

Our quest is following:
How might we bring progressive leadership, design and entrepreneurship education available for everyone in this world and thus improve the creative and entrepreneurial capabilities of people and help build their communities?

Our goals are:
“Wow! That’s cool what you are doing. How did you make that?”- 8 year old child to his friend who’s just build a prototype
“Hmm… Could it be done this way?”- 68 year old grandfather proposing a solution
“Hey, I want to create something insanely great!” – 17 year old high school student
“Yes! We can create a solution for our water challenge. Let’s
work on this together.” – 35 year old mother

Our proposal:
Let’s build a mobile Design and Entrepreneurship School into a container. Let’s put inside the container a Fab Lab and a Media Lab, and add skilled facilitators to run various workshops in the fields of creativity, entrepreneurship and community leadership. Not every village can afford a Design School of their own, but we certainly can afford a bunch of these containers to go around the world.

More info:
Ville Keränen / +358 40 731 2084

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