Tatun 10 kolahdusta Piilaaksosta

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Maaliskuussa Monkeypojat Tatu & Ville kävivät oppimismatkalla Piilaaksossa yhdessä Mondragonin yliopiston MINN-maisteriohjelman kanssa. Pari kuukautta reissun jälkeen Monkeyn arki on ollut erilaista – ajatukset ovat kasvaneet ja mietimme paljon enemmän toimintamme skaalautuvuutta. Twitterin innostamana syntyi ajatus 700 hengen osuuskunnasta, jossa kaikki jäsenet olisivat yrittäjiä ja omistajia. Tatu jakoi juuri 10 kolahdustaan tuosta mahtavasta reissusta:


Katso Tatun kopit ja kerro omiasi myös!






Here’s the blog text in English:


In March Monkey boys Tatu and Ville went to visit Silicon Valley together with the MINN-master’s program from Mondragon University’s Team Academy.  Past two months after their journey have been different in Monkeys daily life. Our thoughts have grown and the feeling is different – we think more and more about the scalability of our actions. Twitter inspired us to grow the vision too: a new vision of Monkey Business is to become a cooperative of 700 people, in which all the members are entrepreneurs and owners. Tatu just shared his 10 insights from the Silicon Valley journey. Take a look at those in here:


Have you learned something at Silicon Valley? We’re happy to hear your insights too and keep on sharing!





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Participating individuals in various development processies since 2005 in Finland, Sweden, Spain, Island and Oman in focus to create an organization from future. Yellow playful and sincere. My goal is to make people think and act differently. A total nongeek. Specialties: Participatory Leading Methods, focused on early stages of change processies, culture change, interaction cultures and systems thinking / pragmatism. Yellow clothing! Entrepreneurship, innovation, personal mastery, climbing, learning. Voicing - speaking from heart, raising stupid questions. Suomeksi: Simppeliyskonsultti jonka ydintä on saada ihmiset tekemään kokeiluja jotta syntyy uutta ja asioiden tila muuttuu. #kokeilukulttuuri #kokeilut #oppiminen TEKIJÄ ON SANKARI - AINOA EPÄONNISTUMINEN ON ETTEI OPI, MITÄÄN!

Website: http://www.banana.fi

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More Action. More Chaos. More Mistakes. More Learning.

© 2008-2015 Monkey and Banana Osk. c/o Crazy Town, Lutakonaukio 7. 40100 Jyväskylä. Y-tunnus: 1864486-7.

Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

Monkey Business is a registered trademark of Monkey and Banana osk. Monkeys reserve the right to change themselves and the world.