Monkey Business in Facebook + Intense Week

Dear friends of Monkey Business,


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We’ve been quite busy lately. Here are few pictures of what we’ve done the past week.


Henna and Johanna (in the picture) among others did very well at Finland’s SoL Conference. The event was a great success.

Tatu the Sauna Elf

Tatu was hosting the event as a very old Sauna Elf – he did very well. Especially dynamics between him and Sari Baldauf were excellent.

Participants of SoL LE

This picture is from a workshop hosted by Entrepart and in it are Iiro, Cathie, Michael and Henna. Cathie and Michael along with Sean from Flower participated a post SoL Learning Expedition at Team Academy which coached by Ville Hast and Tatu.


Ville K was working for two day in Kajaani at Intotalo.

I wonder what kind of adventures next week is going to bring to us. Please, let us know what is up on your fields. We are eager to hear from you.

Written by Ville K

More Action. More Chaos. More Mistakes. More Learning.

© 2008-2015 Monkey and Banana Osk. c/o Crazy Town, Lutakonaukio 7. 40100 Jyväskylä. Y-tunnus: 1864486-7.

Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

Monkey Business is a registered trademark of Monkey and Banana osk. Monkeys reserve the right to change themselves and the world.