Building Co-creation and Partnerships


Hey there,

Thanks for everyone who participated in Monkey Business Summer Days 2009. These were the first, and next year they maybe will be bigger and better. Now we know more about ourselves, you and the places such as forests of Uurainen and Iisalmi. Good staff. Tatu wanted to say Giitu giitu which is Saami language and means thank you. So Tatu’s thanks goes for…

Ville – Courage to take leadership related to the Summer Days
Johanna – borrowing her Grandma’s place
Henna – the excellent excursion to Iisalmi
Janne – the great meatballs
Hugo – clap on the shoulder
Hanne – smile

And everybody for participation, understanding, building a shared dream and patience to help Tatu (and us all) to learn.

I wanted also to ask you some tips and ideas when building a partnership with another business. We have a meeting tomorrow morning at 9 am with one company and there are some questions in my head. Please comment and help us.

1. What is the value we can create to company X?
2. What is the value they can offer to us?
3. What are the rules for the co-creation? (Prahalad proposes in his book Competing for the Future DART model referring to Dialogue, Access to information, Risk assesment and sharing and Transparency – I think this is a good starting point).
4. Why co-operation works and why not?
5. Why with some partners it’s sometimes difficult to give your everything?

Loads of yellow regards,


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Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

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