Letter to Yvon Chouinard
- Written by Hugo Miskala
- Published in Archive, English
- Permalink
Yvon Chouinard is the founder of Patagonia and a writer of the book Let My People Go Surfing. Here I present you few chapters of that letter. This is why I wrote this letter to him.
Hello Yvon
I write this letter to you, because we were so inspired by your book Let my people go surfing. I want to let you now that it really helped us to get on. By we I mean my co-workers in our company Monkey Business. We were planning to create our own company. We had few things in our mind, but your book pushed us even farther and gave us lots of new ideas how to get what we want. We want to be a company where people want to be working and also a company what society wants to exist.
He really had influence on us trough the whole purpose why he started his company first place. He just wanted to make better climbing tools for himself and his friends. After a while he noticed what has happened to our environment. He understands there should be change or otherwise we would ruin whole earth. He and his company has been the change and we also want to do our part.
We want to be making world a better place for our children and us. Our mission is to flame up collectives. When people is enjoying their work. It’s much more easier for them to work for better world also. If you’re depressed everyday after work, you don’t have power to solve problems what we are facing now. We want to help companies to have same kind of spirit inside what you have in Patagonia. I hope everyone can do good for earth and go surfing whenever they want.
I know that everybody can do at least a little change on his or her own behaviour in business and personal life. Action is everything. One fool who walks will go farther than three wise men who only talks. Here is the last chapter of my letter to Yvon.
You have showed that is possible to do GOOD business. You don’t have to steal or lye to make money. We have planned to put ten present from our sales to make the world to be a better place. Thank you from example. I hope you will keep going the same way and still enjoy climbing.