Little more of LAVA09 – Motorola time!
- Written by Ville Keksijä Keränen
- Published in Archive, English
- Permalink
Just came across this video at Mikko’s NoCry blog. I embed it here. It’s a 30 second film about the presentation we did in the LAVA09 conference.
And here’s the motorola by Johanna about journey and works in Iceland!
Hey, here is for you mine post-motorola about Lava. I wanna share it with you fellows.
1. What went well?
– We had a chance to do co-creating together and a chance to get know each other at good way -working together.
– We had there a great punch of people, all different, different ages and different countries, different skills and knowledges.
– I was really excited about our task and it was great to work with a new people from different backgrounds.
– Everybody was really involved in our process.
– That time together was really important to us, Monkeys. We got new ideas and we got a lot of inspiration.
– It was great to met Juha-Matti, who has drawn our super monkey and also Tupsu-cartoons.
– It was great to spend time with Nic, because I didin´t know him before so well.
– Iceland was an awesome place, I have always wanted to travel in there.
– We were sleeping last two days in a home of one local family. It was really nice and we got touch the country whole different way.
– We met one Finish girl who study in Iceland and she told to us plenty stories about Iceland and Grönland.
– We spend too much cash – we bought and ate too much of banana candies, so we didin´t have enough money to go back to our Icelandic home by bus. So we had to hick-hike. It was new experience to me. And one new banana story to tell.
– We were in a great jazz bar, where was going on some great jazz jams.
2. What went poorly?
– We didin´t have time to close our process together. So I´m not sure of that did everybody understand the hole process and what happened and why.
– We didn´t have so much free time over there so we couldn´t go far away from Reykjavik. We need to go again over there.
– We had only short time to be House of Ideas, Design Central and other places.
3. What did I learn?
– I learn to know new peoples and working with them.
– Creative chaos is a good thing, you just have to know how to lead that.
– Be brave to challenge of process.
– It´s hard to get of the box what you have.
– To courageous of your heart it´s working.
– If you have too much of negative pressure, it locks you up.
– I learn more about my self and Monkeys.
4. What I gonna do next?
– I want to be in contact all those new people who I met in there and maybe we can do something together for future also.
– I wanna go sometimes back in there and maybe surf there.
– I got many of new handcraft ideas.
– I send post-motorola for everyone.
So here is something what I´m thinking of this process. It would be nice to here something for all of you also.
I hope we can see each others sometimes again. You are heartly welcome to Finland and visiting to us.
Have a great time and keep it yellow!
Loads of fun and huge hugs!
Ps. We have Nathaniel from Kaospilots visiting us yestarday and today. We are about to cook something cool together!