”Follow that yellow man!”

We allmost missed a flight on our way to Oman SOL Global Forum April 2008 to do our world kick off. In Frankfut Airport staff pointed way for Johanna&Hugo by pointing me running ahead and yelling:” follow that yellow man”. At the same time Henna was holding the Plane… (Btw. my Iphone went just blackout when writing this.)

Since Oman we have been creating more action here and there. And despite that we are still smiling. We see the world as we look at it. Yellow, sunny and bright. As that photo taken yesterday in our office upstairs. Or this one taken in our hoods today morning when cyckling here.

We made our record revenue in August. But we still must improve to keep our enterprise sustainable. Yellow man has got company, friends to work with us. We have been doeing right things right. Maybe. And information board downstairs is updated too!

Hey! I am happy. Life is good. Love. (Iphone still blackout.)

Thanks Monkeys & All. Wouldn´t be here alone.


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More Action. More Chaos. More Mistakes. More Learning.

© 2008-2015 Monkey and Banana Osk. c/o Crazy Town, Lutakonaukio 7. 40100 Jyväskylä. Y-tunnus: 1864486-7.

Soita toimitusjohtajallemme Tatulle +358 40 831 8118

Monkey Business is a registered trademark of Monkey and Banana osk. Monkeys reserve the right to change themselves and the world.