What is Monkey Business?
- Written by Hugo Miskala
- Published in Archive, English
- Permalink
Monkey Business creates interaction environments, which enable fluent flow of information and learning. I have been answering the question above since 2007 when I started monkeying around. Almost always I have answered the question with different kind of answer. Year 2010 I was studying in Australia doing my master degree. When I came back I noticed I could not answer the question what is Monkey Business at all. To make it easier for me I started to think what we were doing and what are things we are best at. I started to crystallize our core to make it easier to understand.
I started to go through the work that Monkey Business did during the year 2010 from seminars to the organizational change processes. I noticed that almost in every case the core thing what we did was to create an interaction environment, where participants could speak meaningful things about themselves and their organizations. The main thing is to create an atmosphere where people can speak from their hearth without the fear of being stupid or wrong. Antti Hannula the Chairman of the board of directors at Aldea Attorneys at Law Ltd. said it very well.
The function of Monkey Business is to remove the obstacles of natural interaction between human beings.
Around this core substance we have redesigned our services to make the collaboration with customers easier. Here is the first peek to our redesigned services for our readers.
I will explain the services with few bullet points to make them easier to understand.
Ezy Start
- To create common consensus about the project
- Familiarize oneself with others
- Ease communication
Happy Ending
- Wrap up the project
- Share learnings and new ideas
- Decide next steps
Travel Agency for Super Heroes
- Learning journey for companies and individuals to/from Finland
- Organize visits to interesting companies and places
- Designing learning process for participants
Kick Ass Events
- Planning the event in co-operation with orderer
- Designing interactive program
- Executing the event
Yellow Attitude Workshop
- Creating entrepreneurship
- Creating intrapreneurship for organisations
- Igniting the passions
Yellow Café
- Communality process for organisations
- Place for speaking, laughing and innovations inside the organisation
- Host by Monkey Business in the beginning
Sustainability Innovation Camp
- Learning process for sustainable innovations
- For companies or individuals
- Doing your share
Please feel free to give some feedback. Are you getting excited? I AM!!!
-Hugo- Back in (Monkey) Business