Core Competences of Monkey Business
- Written by Hugo Miskala
- Published in Archive, English
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We were planning a coaching session with Ville for an organisation that had problems with quality. Organisation is working in a field where the quality is extremely important. We were chatting and talking about the case and different views we need to consider. We were thinking should we make an intro about the quality; maybe tell the steps to the good quality or something. I was thinking the quality and noticed that I know very little about it. I asked Ville does he know something about the quality. He said no. Then Ville looked at me and asked the same question and the answer was the same again. We both were smiling. Why in earth we’re trying to speak about quality when we don’t know anything about it and the organisation we are coaching are the experts of it. I understood that the organisation’s CEO didn’t want us to speak about quality, but to help the staff to speak about it. Helping people to speak is what Ville and I can do well.
It is important to know what you want to do, but it is also very important to know where you are good. When you find something that combines these two aspects you have found something precious. Something you could build your business on. Monkey Business is good at creating an interaction environment, teamwork and entre /intrapreneurship.
When we started the business I had a clue what we want to do: to make world more yellow and fun. Help organisations and individuals to find meaning for their work. The second question: Where we are good was not that simple. It took two years and hundreds of meetings and projects to have some clarity to this matter. When I look these three main things, it is obvious that those are our core competences, but it was really hard for me to understand that.
Core competences make our life easier
When we are planning a coaching session or process we know what we can do by ourselves and where we need to use external professionals. If we don’t know about the issue, we should ‘t try to be experts on that field. It is really good for your self-confidence when you can say:
“I don’t know anything about that”.
It makes it possible to concentrate where you are best.