Tervetuloa globaali learning jazz!
- Written by Henna Kaariainen
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Kolme päivää Tukholmassa SoL Europe Forumia takana, ja ajatus & fiilis on korkealla! Fiilistä kohottaa entisestään se, että parhaillaan hostaamme Jyväskylässä kovaa kaveriporukkaa latinalaisesta Amerikasta. He tulivat oppimaan tiimivalmennusta Tiimiakatemian 1,5 vuoden tiimivalmentajaohjelmassa, ja halusimme luoda yhdessä oppimisen ja projektien kehittelyn mahdollisuuden tämän porukan kanssa myös muille kuin tiimiakatemialaisille, joten päätimme yhteistyössä Edu Cluster Networkin kanssa järjestää maanantaina 28.5. latinalaisen Amerikan koulutusmarkkina -workshopin Jyväskylän Popparissa. Kyseessä on kansainvälinen juttu, joten kirjoitin enkuksi tarkemman kuvauksen siitä, mitä maanantaina tulee tapahtumaan. Olen aika innoissani! Monkeyn Yellow Office on tarkoitus avata Brasiliaan 2013 alussa ja tämä on taas yski askel sitä kohti.
Ota rennosti ja tsekkaa asiaa enkkupuolelta tarkemmin,
Three days in Stockholm on SoL European Forum done and it’s exhilarating! Loads of disturbing thoughts entering my mind these days and provoking action. In the end of this post I’m sharing two core questions of this forum inspired by Peter Senge and Barrett C. Brown. But before I wanted to share about the action since we are already doing it!
In these days we’re hosting in Jyväskylä a great group of Brazilian, Argentinan and Chilean friends who have traveled to our city to start a learning revolution in Tiimiakatemia’s 1,5 years long Team Coaching program. We wanted to grab the chance to learn and co-create with this variety of interesting people in town, and therefore on Monday 28th we Monkeys together with the Edu Cluster Network organize a workshop on Latin American education market @Poppari jazz bar of Jyväskylä. The hosts of the workshop will be these local Brazilian, Chilean and Argentinan friends.
The workshop aims to share intercultural knowledge, as well as create a platform for planting seeds for collaboration between the Finnish and Latin American actors. The base has been built over the years of working with our hosts. From Monkeys me and Valtteri visited Brazil for work first time in 2009 and have spent half of last year plus two past months in Brazil deepening and opening the collaborations with different Brazilian organizations, since our goal is to open Yellow Office in Brazil in the beginning of 2013. Now it’s action time. During the next 1,5 years these people are having close touch with Team Coaching and learning it in practice. This is a strong call for creating collaborational WOW-projects!
For Monday the program is simple: 1) speed dating to meet everyone in the room + orientation with the Brazilian education market situation pic that we took with Valtteri on our latest trip to Sao Paulo, Rio and Campinas in April-May 2012 2) getting the speed by a Learning Café in Chilean, Brazilian and Argentinan learning tables with local hosts 3) Brazilian buffer lunch, loads of chatting and harvesting the initiatives and connections we were able to come up with.
We believe that knowledge grows by sharing, so if you have the knowhow for Latin America, or if you think we might be doing something that could add value to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Take it easy,
Henna Monkey
P.s. Just as a little teaser for us to think global and a ”cosmo-centric” way, I want to share a poem we heard from Peter Senge. The poem goes: ”Why are you so unhappy? Because everything what you is 99 % for yourself, and there isn’t one.” A notion that there might no be a self is utopia for western mind. Another thought was from Barrett C. Brown. ”Tell me what you care about and I tell you how big you are. For how much humanity do you actually want justice and freedom?” I feel this is my call – justice and freedom for masses of humanity that lack that due to a variety of reasons, e.g.. being unaware of the power of the communities, poverty, racism, religion…
I actually made a goal for myself. The gaol is to work only on multinational projects from now on, so before taking on any challenge I want to make sure we have a multinational crew on board. Why? Simply for learning and growing the heart while facing challenges and seeing different realities! I’ll try. It should be easy in Brazil 😉