Do The Never

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Monkey Business is Learning Design & Innovation Office. What we do, among many other things, is to encourage people to do experiments. When you work with us monkeys, you’ll get us to create more action, more chaos, more mistakes and more learning. Learning comes thru experiments and doing things differently than they maybe are used to do.

This time of the year, December, is time to start reflecting the year that is starting to come close to its end. What happened in 2013? Was it somewhat you hoped it to be? Was it more, was it less? I hope, that year 2013 made you hungry for more! It’s also time for slightly turn your thoughts to the upcoming New Year. I say, that is never too late to be more YOU. Never too late for more action, more courage, more creativityness.

In late February 2012 my dear colleague Ville Keksijä Keränen was so inspired by Seth Godin’s blog post and Aalto University’s MIND Research Group’s Licence to Act Differently, that he created an experiment which goes by the name “Do The Never-Club”.

Here below are the 7 principles of Do The Never. I think they are great when you start to think how your 2014 should look like!

Do The Never -Manifesto

1. Do The Never is about You. You can make a difference. You can only change the world by changing yourself. Do The Never is about challenging and competing with yourself.

2. Do The Never is about Action. Doing the never. Even a small step is a start and a move forward so start with ridiculously small actions. Get your hands dirty!

3. Do The Never is about Courage. Your heart is always right so listen to your heart. Fail often, fail fast. Learn from the mistakes.

4. Do The Never happens Now. In life we encounter these now or never moments. When we know that if we do not act now the possibility will not come back. Carpe Diem. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start. The only possible moment to show the appreciation is the current moment.

5. Do The Never is about Community. You are not alone. Use and search for #dothenever hashtag and you see what others are doing. Connect with likeminded people via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr,Instagram and other social medias of your preference.

6. Do The Never is about Creativity. Think what is different, what could be done differently. We also acknowledge the role of serendipity and learning from doing things differently. Think, and act, as unusual.

7. Do The Never is about Systems Intelligence. Something that is objectively looking a minor thing can mean a world to someone subjectively. When you realize there is a possibility with a small action to create big results, you gotta grasp that opportunity.

Do you already have a Licence to Act Differently? If not, contact Mr. Ville Keksijä Keränen +358 40 731 2084/ville@banana.fiVille Keränen

The original #dothenever manifesto can be found form here:


Written by: Minna

Tagged under

More Action. More Chaos. More Mistakes. More Learning.

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